Family Saturday at Home: Lee Lozano

1 January 1970

November Family Saturday takes inspiration from the current exhibition, ‘Lee Lozano’.

Whilst we are sorry that we are unable to celebrate Family Saturday with you in person, please consider taking part at home. November Family Saturday takes inspiration from the current exhibition, ‘Lee Lozano’. Join our popular Family Saturdays from the comfort of home with our series of creative, hands-on activities to enjoy together with your children. These are aimed at 6+ but can be easily adapted and guided for younger children. For this session, we shall focus on alternative ways to represent ourselves using pencils and paint.

About Lee Lozano
Lee Lozano’s paintings are admired for their energy, daring physicality and tirelessness in investigating the body and issues of gender. Although lauded by Lucy Lippard in 1995 as the foremost female conceptual artist of her time, Lozano had disengaged herself from the New York art world completely by the early 1970s. She left behind a body of work of striking formal breadth and complexity. Lozano fought to consolidate her artistic self in a realm void of systems, rules, and group consciousness.

She pursued a wholly independent solo studio practice, which culminated in her rejection of the New York art world and a boycott of women. She first refused to attend public art world functions and withdrew from exhibitions, finally relocating to Dallas, Texas. ‘By refusing to speak to women,’ says Helen Molesworth, Chief Curator of LA MOCA, ‘she exposed the systematic and ruthless division of the world into categories of men and women. By refusing to speak to women as an artwork, she also refused the demand of capitalism for the constant production of private property… The strategy of rejection is a powerful one.’ You can find out more about Lee Lozano here.

Lee Lozano, No title, c. 1962 © The Estate of Lee Lozano. Courtesy Private Collection. Photo: Stefan Attenburger Photography Zürich

Lee Lozano, No title, c. 1962 © The Estate of Lee Lozano. Photo: Barbora Gerny

You will need: Paper Paint & paint brushes Coloured pencils

Activity: Created in 1962–1963, her early paintings on show can be considered as metaphors – depicting airplanes to represent creative energy. What are metaphors and what inanimate object would you choose to represent yourself?

See some useful links:

Use paint and pencils, some of Lozano’s preferred media to create our personal representations and if you want to be even more experimental, have a go at making your own paint, see here.