Art to Acres

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We are proud to support Art to Acres, an initiative that connects the art community with permanent climate-based forest conservation and the protection of historic carbon reserves. The organization has orchestrated land conservation on behalf of approximately 50 artists, including gallery artists Rashid Johnson, Mika Rottenberg, George Condo and Jenny Holzer, and 30 museums or institutions such as the MCA Chicago, Guggenheim, Kunstmuseum Bonn and MOCA.

To date, the initiative has supported the conservation of 22 million acres of forests. 100% of funds go to the land conservation acquisition or governmental designation selected; administrative and travel costs are paid by the non-profit board and partnering conservation non-profits. Funds receive project-dependent matching funds from partner foundations and projects focus on local leadership, indigenous-led conservation and carbon-dense landscapes. The non-profit organizes the due diligence, project research and matching funds to support conservative and scalable results.

Learn more about our support for Art to Acres here.