With My Hands
11 – 30 July 2023
We are pleased to announce that Make Southampton will launch its summer 2023 season with a special exhibition of works by noted British artist Rachel Scott. ‘With My Hands’ features a medley of Scott’s celebrated hand-woven rugs alongside select early oil paintings. This juxtaposition offers a glimpse into the evolution of the artist’s practice from her initial training as a painter to her prolific textile work, developed over the last five decades.
True to the nature of traditional weaving on a frame loom, Scott constructs her rugs primarily using straight lines, forming geometric patterns and shapes that echo those found in her canvases. The subtle gradients of color in these rugs, often composed of undyed blacks, browns and grays, recall the earthy, neutral color palettes that comprised the foundation of her paintings. When conceiving the designs of her rugs, Scott uses the act of weaving itself as a guide, allowing the process to determine gradations of hues and textures—dark to pale, soft to coarse—and how these elements blend and contrast with surrounding colors.
Fascinated by the traditional techniques of textile work as privileging raw materials, Scott works daily; she weaves yarn each morning and spins natural sheep wool each evening in order to most carefully consider how her chosen materials will harmonize. Her works are made from the fleece of rare breeds of mainly native British sheep, including Shetlands, Manx Loaghtans, Black Welsh Mountains, Jacobs and Herdwick—the character of the raw materials creates an intensely felt connection to both Scott’s home country, Britain, and the rich history of British wool.
Portrait of Rachel Scott, 2022. Photo: Dave Watts
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