The Big Draw: Schools Event, Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 2019. Photo: Vincent Evans


The Big Draw: Schools Event

Fri 30 October 2020
10am – 4pm

Join Hauser & Wirth Somerset for an event open to over 100 school children to celebrate The Big Draw.   The Big Draw  is the world’s largest drawing festival with thousands of drawing activities connecting people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illustrators – and each other. The Big Draw annually involves 1000+ organisers on seven continents, engaging around 400,000 people. This year’s theme for the festival is ‘A Climate of Change’.  We shall focus on the tree, as a vital component of our ecology system and a metaphor for life. The tree often appears in the work of the artist Charles Gaines. His investigation of grids and systems, objects and subjects are poignant right now, as we learn to live within parameters of new controls and monitoring. Whether conceptual or representational, the activity encourages our audiences to observe the world around them afresh, to engage in their environment and create new visual languages.  Following guidance for ​out-of-school settings​ published by the Department for Education, all children and young people who visit Hauser & Wirth Somerset will be kept in small, consistent groups, and of no more than 15 children and at least one staff member:

  • We will ensure that there is sufficient space to practice social distancing

  • We will keep school groups in their ‘bubbles’

  • We will provide cleaning stations and ask students to use hand sanitiser upon entry and exit

  • All visits will be programmed to avoid schools meeting when arriving or leaving, and so that our educators work with as few different groups as possible. We will also allow sufficient time for thorough cleaning

  • If indoors, in the dedicated learning room, adequate ventilation will be ensured

Bookings can be made Tuesday – Friday during term time. To arrange a visit email:  or call +44 174 981 4060 #HauserWirthBigDraw #ClimateofChange