
Summer Storytelling

Thu 22 – Thu 29 August 2019
10 – 10am

Thu 25 Jul, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug 2019 If you are visiting this Summer with your little ones, bring them along to hear a story told in the Implement Shed. Friends of the gallery, our education staff, as well as published authors will tell the stories. This summer all of our stories are inspired by ‘Richard Scarry. Making it Fun is the Best Way’. The current Book Lab in our Implement Shed provides the context for exploring the busy world of Richard Scarry including original drawings and props. Storytelling sessions are aimed at pre-school children with parents / carers and friends. However, all ages are welcome. 25 July: Jackie Brooks 1 August: Sarah Banks Further details to be announced throughout the summer. These are drop-in events every Thursday morning between 25 July and 29 August 2019. Sessions last approximately 40 minutes, and simple activities and refreshments are provided. Please register with Front Desk upon arrival.