Header image: Stuart Cairns, sprung vessel tall, 2019


Make Opening Reception: ‘Retracting Nature’

Fri 8 February 2019
6 – 8pm
Make, Somerset

Please join us to celebrate the opening of 'Retracing Nature'. Make’s third exhibition brings together ceramicist Adam Buick and metalsmith Stuart Cairns, two makers who explore their natural environment and local landscape through their work, united by a common interest in material and place. Occupying a single room each at Make, their work sits parted as does their physical practice, facing each other across the Irish Sea. Buick is based on the South West coast of Wales and Cairns beside the sea, just outside Belfast. Each maker interprets place, and man‘s relationship to the natural world through their use of materials; Cairns through his use of found natural materials in combination with precious metals, and Buick through his inclusion of stone and locally dug clay. The poetic narrative of their expression is richly evocative of time and place, memory and experience.

This is a free, drop-in event. All welcome. 

This event takes place from 6 – 8 pm at Make Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 13 High Street, Bruton, Somerset BA10 0AB.