
The Giant Ogulon and the Egg Edifiers

3 – 4 Apr, 11 am – 5 pm <br>Somerset

Hauser & Wirth Somerset is excited to be working with children’s arts charity the House of Fairy Tales on a very special event running over Good Friday and Easter Saturday. For the first time in a million, million years the House of Fairy Tales has detected that a giant Ogulon egg has emerged to the surface…and it has happened right here in Hauser and Wirth Somerset! Ogulons are gigantic, wondrous and incredibly rare creatures that float through the universe for billions of years sending out powerful and beautiful song rays from their pulsating bodies which mingle into the stars and make them shine with a fizzy excited energy. But all this good energy has to come from somewhere and before they can hatch from their enormous grey egg a baby ogulon must absorb an incredible amount of wondrous thoughts and intriguing ideas from those around them. The House of Fairy Tales needs help to tend to the egg – to ensure that this giant Ogulon will begin its journey through the stars, laden with powerful, bountiful ideas about art and nature. Ogulons’ eggs do not emerge from their deep earthy nests at random – the conditions here must be perfect. We need it to hatch successfully – will you help them and earn yourself the much coveted title of Egg Edifier? This event is aimed at families with children of all ages. This is a free drop-in event.