Art Basel 2018
Unlimited, Art Basel 14 – 17 June 2018
Exomind (Deep Water), 2017
A beehive grows on the head of a female figure, pollinating the surroundings. Pierre Huyghe's exhibitions are complex systems in which interdependent agents, biotic and abiotic, real and symbolic are self-organizing, co-evolving in a dynamic and unstable mesh. In Documenta 13, Huyghe presented 'Untilled' (2011-2012), a live, constructed ecosystem. Within it, lying in the mud of a compost, a statue with the head covered by a beehive was a part of a wider set of operations occurring without control and under their own conditions. In 'Exomind' (2017), among the living entities inhabiting a sandy hill in the the forest of Dazaifu, Japan, the beehive covering the head of a new female statue, as an exo-mind in endless formation, is growing by pollinating other living symbols. It constantly modifies itself in this transitory, porous, entangled environment in permanent variations.