Zhang Enli, A Melancholic Person, 2019, Oil on canvas, 222 × 180 × 5.5 cm / 87 ⅗ × 70 ⅔ × 2 ⅜ in © Zhang Enli. Photo: Birdhead

Walkthrough: ‘Zhang Enli. Looking Outwards’

  • Fri 26 August 2022
  • 10 am – 12 pm

Please join us for breakfast and a walkthrough of the exhibition ‘Looking Outwards’ by Zhang Enli with Davide Quadrio, Director Museum of Oriental Art, Turin, Italy and Founder and Director arthubasia.org, Hong Kong/Shanghai, China.

RSVP to vanillaciancaglini@hauserwirth.com or +41 81 552 10 00