Greener Galleries

We are on a journey to sustainability with the goal of reducing our carbon emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 in line with the target set Paris Climate Agreement of the United Nations.

Since making this commitment, we have reduced our emissions by 13 percent and continue to drive actions to meet our target. Reductions are happening by shifting from air to sea freight where viable, consolidation of artwork shipments, switching to renewable energy, transitioning to LED lighting and tracking our carbon emissions associated with shipping, travel and energy.

‘One gallery or single artist studio cannot shift the landscape, but collective action amplifies our efforts, builds a movement, and contributes to climate resilience.’

Cliodhna Murphy, Hauser & Wirth

Global head of environmental sustainability

Climate Action Tips

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Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 
50 percent by 2030 in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This includes reducing our freight, business travel and exhibition construction emissions.

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Actively promote and provide a platform for industry collaboration. Through our Sustainability in Action events and toolkits we have created an important platform for meaningful knowledge exchange and learning.

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Support Strategic Climate Funds, projects that keep carbon in the ground, protecting biodiversity and using the power of the law to tackle climate change.

Explore more details on how our commitments are informing a comprehensive sustainability strategy across our galleries.


Sea Freight: Unlocking the Potential for International Art Transportation

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We facilitate dialogue and share information with the global art community to encourage our sector’s collective shift towards 
environmental responsibility.

Upcoming Events

What’s coming up? Join us at these upcoming events.

Mika Rottenberg and Plastic Reuse

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We are donating to funds that offer viable alternatives to traditional offsets to support projects that keep carbon in the ground, protect biodiversity and use the power of the law to tackle climate change.

Larry Bell’s Transition to Solar Energy

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Haley Mellin and Cliodhna Murphy Discuss the Journey to Reduction

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