Selected Solo Exhibitions
Haubrok Foundation, 'David Zink Yi: All My Colours', Berlin, Germany
König Galerie, 'David Zink Yi. Forms of Misleading', London, UK
Hauser & Wirth, ‘Rare Earths’, Zurich, Switzerland
Belvedere, 'David Zink Yi. Carlone Contemporary’, Vienna, Austria
Johann König Galerie, 'David Zink Yi in collaboration with Angie Keefer. Being the Measure', Berlin, Germany
Proyecto amil, 'Horror Vacui', Lima, Peru
Williams College Museum of Art, ‘Being the Measure’, Williamstown MA
Charles H. Scott Gallery, ‘David Zink Yi’, Vancouver, Canada
Johann König Gallery, ‘David Zink Yi’, Berlin, Germany
Hauser & Wirth, ‘‘Why am I here and not somewhere else – Independencia II’, Zurich, Switzerland
Kunstverein Braunschweig, ‘Why am I here and not somewhere else – Independencia II’, Braunschweig, Germany
Kunstfenster der Deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI, Berlin, Germany
80m2 Livia Benavides Gallery, ‘Angel, is it you?’, Lima, Peru
MALI Museo de Arte de Lima, Lima, Peru
Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, ‘David Zink Yi’, Berlin, Germany
Hauser & Wirth, ‘Pneuma’, New York NY
Midway Contemporary Art, ‘HORROR VACUI’, Minneapolis MN
MAK Gallery, ‘Manganese make my colors blue’, Vienna, Austria
Johann Koenig, ‘David Zink Yi’, Berlin, Germany
Kunsthalle St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, ‘David Zink Yi. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Stipendium 2008’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Open Space / Art Cologne, ‘Roma 395’, Cologne, Germany
Franco Soffiantino, Turin, Italy
Johann König, ‘Geschlossen Kurve, bei der für jeden Punkt die Summe der Entfernungen konstant ist. Auslassung insbesondere inmitten von etwas’, Berlin, Germany
Museum Ludwig, ‘Independencia I’, Cologne, Germany
Kunstraum Innsbruck, ‘Der soziographische Blick 12. David Zink Yi’, Innsbruck, Austria
Hauser & Wirth Zürich, ’6 x Yta Moreno’, Zurich, Switzerland
Galerie Johann König, Berlin, Germany
Künstlerhaus Bremen, ‘Alrededor del dosel / Umgehen der Baumkronen’, Bremen, Germany
Galerie Johann König, ‘De adentro y afuera’, Berlin, Germany
Selected Group Exhibitions
Americas Society , 'The Appearance: Art of the Asian Diaspora in Latin America & the Caribbean', New York NY
Sunblanket Foundation, 'The Threshold under Turbine Vents', Seoul, South Korea
The Square, 'Royal Nomad', West Palm Beach FL
Centre Del Carme Cultura Contemporània, 'Llorenç Barber. La Construcción De Un Nosotros Múltiple', Valencia, Spain
Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 'Gruppenausstellung', Bruton, UK
Gwangju Biennale, '14th Gwangju Biennale', Gwangju, South Korea
KAI10—Arthena Foundation, 'Phantoms and Other Illusions', Dusseldorf, Germany
Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, 'Clay & Ceramics', London, UK
Hamburger Kunsthalle, 'ATMEN', Hamburg, Germany
Liverpool Biennial, ‘Liverpool Biennial 2021’, Liverpool, UK
Times Art Center Berlin, ‘Más allá, el Mar Canta’, Berlin, Germany
Cidade da Cultura, ‘Los blancos secretos de su panza’, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Kunstmuseum Bonn, ‘Sound and Silence. Der Klang der Stille in der Kunst der Gegenwart’, Bonn, Germany
Hamburger Bahnhof—Museum für Gegenwart, ‘Magical Soup. Media artworks in the collection of the Nationalgalerie, the Friedrich Christian Flick collection and selected loans’, Berlin, Germany
Priska Pasquer, ‘On Equal Terms II’, Cologne, Germany
Schirn Kunsthalle, ‘Big Orchestra’, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Conde Duque Cultural Center, ‘VIDEO-TRANSLATIONS: gazes x spaces’, Madrid, Spain
König London, ‘I will be dead’, London, UK
Haus der Kunst, ‘Blind Faith: Zeitgenössische Kunst zwischen Intuition und Reflexion’, Munich, Germany
Langen Foundation, ‘Polyphon’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Bundeskunsthalle, ‘GERMANY IS NOT AN ISLAND. Contemporary Art Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany. Acquisitions 2012-2016’, Bonn, Germany
Sala Alcalá 31, ‘Próxima Parada. Peruvian Artists from the Hochschild Collection’, Madrid, Spain
Unit 1 Gallery, ‘Beyond’, London, England
Montserrat College of Art, ‘Quietus’, Beverly MA
König Galerie, ‘Gartenschau’, Berlin, Germany
Centro Pecci, ‘The End of the World’, Prato, Italy
USF Contemporary Art Museum, ‘Extracted’, Tampa FL
KAT_A Kunst am Turm, ‘Fotografie Installation’, Bad Honnef-Rhöndorf, Germany
Hauser & Wirth, ‘Salon d’Hiver’, Zurich, Switzerland
Contemporary Arts Center, ‘Prospect.3: Notes for Now’, New Orleans LA
KAI 10, Arthena Foundation, ‘Lost Paradise’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, ‘Slow Future’, Warsaw, Poland
Museum Cultuur Strombeek Gent, ‘The Ever Changing Body. Deel III’, Gent, Belgium
8th Berlin Biennale, ‘Keystone Fruit and Speed’, Berlin, Germany
Museum Kunst der Westküste, ‘Tiefseewelten. Zeitgenössische Skulptur und Videokunst’, Föhr, Germany
Biennal of the Americas, ‘Draft Urbanism’, Denver CO
9th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Athr Gallery, ‘Video(Works)’, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Hauser & Wirth London, ‘Trade Routes’ London, UK
Latin American Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia, ‘El Atlas del Imperio’, Venice, Italy
La Fundación Botín, ‘Itinerarios’, Santander, Spain
Herbert Gerisch-Stiftung, ‘Back’ to Earth, Neumunster, Germany
Biennal de Montevideo, ‘El Gran Sur’, Montevideo, Uruguay
Georg Kolbe Museum, ‘BIOS – Konzepte des Lebens in der zeitgenössischen Skulptur’, Berlin, Germany
Copenhagen Art Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, ‘I Wish This Was a Song. Music in Contemporary Art’, Oslo, Norway
Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, ‘The City that doesn’t exist. Images of global spaces’, Aachen, Germany
Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Galleria di Piazza San Marco, ‘Doppio gioco – Double Game. The Ambiguity of the Photographic Image’, Venice, Italy
Charles H. Scott Gallery, Emily Carr University, ‘The Voyage, or Three Years at Sea Part III’, Vancouver, Canada
SAPS Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros, ‘La Institución redentora / The Redeeming Institution’, Mexico City, Mexico
Tate Modern, ‘No Lone Zone’, London, England
ifa-Galerie Berlin, ‘Kulturtransfers #2. Cut & Mix: Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Peru und Chile’, Berlin, Germany
Dublin Contemporary, ‘Terrible Beauty: Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance’, Dublin, Ireland
Sammlung Rheingold, ‘Was tun? Was geschieht?’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Schloss Dyck, ‘Austellung aus der Sammlung Rheingold’, Juchen, Germany Fondation
Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, ‘Brave New World’, Luxembourg
Gladstone Gallery, ‘Summer Show’, New York NY
‘Die Villa Massimo zu Gast im Martin Gropius-Bau’, Berlin, Germany
Museo de arte de Lima Contemporaneo, ‘Adquisiciones y donaciones 2008’, Lima, Peru
KW Institute for Contemporary Art, ‘FOR THE USE OF THOSE WHO SEE’, Berlin, Germany
Shedhalle, ‘Nahrung – kaleidoskopische Untersuchung eines Treibstoffs’, Zurich, Switzerland
10th Bienal de La Habana, Havana, Cuba
Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, ‘Backyard’, Diepenheim, Netherlands
Kunsthalle Tübingen, ‘Der innere Blick – Das Interieur in der zeitgenössischen Kunst’, Tübingen, Germany
Art Cologne, ‘Global EurAsia’, Cologne, Germany
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, ‘Karl Schmidt Rottluff Stipendium’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, ‘Carte Blanche III: „Gedichte der Fakten“ – Arbeiten aus der Sammlung Arend und Brigitte Oetker’, Leipzig, Germany
Various locations, ‘Le Printemps de Septembre’, Toulouse, France
Galerie Museum Bozen / Stadtgalerie Schwaz, ‘Die Kunst des Alterns / L’arte di invecchiare / The Art of Growing Old’, Bolzano, Italy, and Schwaz, Austria
Kestner Gesellschaft / Sprengel Museum / Kunstverein Hannover, ‘Made in Germany’, Hanover, Germany
Les Abattoirs, FRAC – Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain Midi-Pyrénées, ‘Le Printemps de Septembre’, Toulouse, France
Galerie Johann König, ‘New Space’, Berlin, Germany
NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, ‘Video II: Allegorie’, Dusseldorf, Germany
Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, ‘Scrabble. Video, Lenguaje y Abstracción’, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
OK Centrum für Gegenwartskunst Oberösterreich, ‘Die Ordnung der Natur I’, Linz, Austria
CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, ‘Irreducible: Contemporary Short Form Video’, San Francisco CA (Travelling Exhibition)
Miami Art Central, ‘Irreducible: Contemporary Short Form Video’, Miami FL (Travelling Exhibition)
Bronx Museum of the Arts, ‘Irreducible: Contemporary Short Form Video’, New York NY (Travelling Exhibition)
Kunstverein Langenhagen, ‘Erzähl mal was… ‘, Langenhagen, Germany
Kunsthalle Bremen, ’50 Jahre Kunstpreis der Böttcherstrasse in Bremen’, Bremen, Germany
Kunsthalle Mannheim, ‘ars viva 05/05 – Zeit’, Mannheim, Germany (Travelling Exhibition)
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, ‘ars viva 05/05 – Zeit’, Dusseldorf, Germany (Travelling Exhibition)
Zacheta Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, ‘ars viva 05/05 – Zeit’, Warsaw, Poland (Travelling Exhibition)
Rheinschau, ‘Rheinschau 2004’, Cologne, Germany
International Foundation Manifesta, ‘Manifesta 5 San Sebastián 2004’, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg, Germany
Frankfurter Kunstverein, ‘Nation’, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
Opel Berlin, ‘Diffusion’, Berlin, Germany
Medienkunstarchiv Wien, ‘Kino der Kälte’, Vienna, Austria
Kunsthaus Raskolnikow, ‘Dedicated to Yi Yen Wu’, Dresden, Germany
Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg, Germany Markus Richter Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, ‘Eyes look into the wall – Current Trends in video art’, Potsdam, Germany
K2 gallery, Leipzig, Germany
Akademie der Künste, ‘Cooking happening as part of the exhibitioin Z-2000’, Berlin, Germany
Ackerstrasse Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany
Awards and Grants
Ars Viva Preis
MAK-Schindler Stipendium
Artspeak, ‘The Chatter of Culture’, Vancouver, Canada
nbk Berlin, Marius Babias (eds.), 'David Zink Yi. Horror Vacui', Cologne: Publisher of the bookstore Walther König, 2012 (exh. Cat.)
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Foundation Berlin (ed.), 'David Zink Yi. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Grant 2008 ', Berlin: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Grant, 2008
Kölle, Brigitte, Pisot, Sandra (eds.), 'ATMEN', Hamburg: Hamburger Kunsthalle, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2022, pp. 16-177, 187, ill. (exh. cat.)
Gebbers, Anna-Catharina (ed.), 'Magical Soup. Medienkunstwerke aus der Sammlung der Nationalgalerie, der Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im Hamburger Bahnhof und Leihgaben. Media Art from the Collection of the Nationalgalerie, the Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im Hamburger Bahnhof and Loans', Berlin: Wienand, 2020, pp. 82-85, ill. (exh. cat.)
Adolphs, Volker, Berg, Stephan (eds.), 'Sound and Silence. Der Klang der Stille in der Kunst der Gegenwart. The Sound of Silence in Contemporary Art', Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 2020, ill. (exh. cat.)
Dziewior, Yilmas (ed.), 'Museum Ludwig. Art. 20th/21st Centuries. Collection. Painting, Sculpture, New Media', Cologne: Walther König, 2018
Dziewior, Yilmas (ed.), 'Museum Ludwig. Kunst 20./21. Jahrhundert. Sammlung Malerei, Skulptur, Neue Medien', Cologne: Walther König, 2018
Unterdörfer, Michaela (ed.), 'Hauser & Wirth. 20 Years', Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2013
Candela, Iria, 'Art in Latin America. 1990-2010', London: Tate Publishing, 2013, ill.
Henatsch, Martin, 'Back to Earth. Die Wiederentdeckung der Keramik in der Kunst. Von Picasso bis Ai Weiwei', Neumünster: Wachholtz Verlag, 2013
Mohammed, Arsalan (ed.), 'Video(Works). A Group Exhibition', Jeddah: Athr Gallery, 2013, pp. 27-28, ill.
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design Sweden, 'I wish this was a song. Music in Contemporary Art ', Elanders: Ingvild Krogvig, 2012, pp. 88-89, ill. (ex. cat.)
Cologne Fair (ed.), 'Art Cologne 2008. 42nd International Fair for Contemporary and Contemporary Art, 16-20 April 2008', Cologne: Kölnmesse, 2008, pp. 204-205, 266-267, ill.
Engler, Martin (ed.), 'Made in Germany', Osterfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2007 (ex-cat.)
OK Center for Contemporary Art Upper Austria, Museum of Modern Art Passau (eds.), 'The Order of Nature' , Vienna / Bolzano: Folio Verlag, 2005, ill.
The Circle of Donors for the Böttcherstrasse Art Prize in Bremen + [et al.], '50 Years Böttcherstrasse Art Prize in Bremen ', Bremen: Kunsthalle Bremen, 2005 (exh. Cat.)
Cultural Circle of the German Economy in the BDI eV (ed.), 'Michael Hakimi, Peter Piller, Katja Strunz, David Zinc Yi', Texts by Antje Krause Election + [et al.]], Frankfurt a. M .: Revolver Archive for Contemporary Art, 2004 (
___, 'The critics’ pick of the week: from The Wonder to Strange Clay', on:, 5 November 2022, ill.
Crichton-Miller, Emma, 'Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art — immediate, unpredictable and outrageous', on: [Financial Times], 4 November 2022, ill.
Steer, Emily, '"Strange Clay" review: a mucky, uncanny, visceral survey of ceramic art', on:, 29 October 2022, ill.
Durrant, Nancy, 'Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art at the Hayward Gallery review - weird and wonderful. A show about this extraordinary, humble material that can say so much', on:, 25 October 2022, ill.
___, 'Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art at the Hayward Gallery October', on: [South London Press], 6 August 2022, ill.
Greasley, Remy, 'David Zink Yi. Capturing "endless" performances of Afro-Cuban music', in: Bild Lito!, Liverpool, no. 113, April-May 2021, pp. 40-41, ill.
Lewis, Ben, 'David Zink Yi and the Language of Ceramic Cephalopods', in: Ursula, New York, no. 5, Winter 2019, pp. 96-103, ill.
Vila Lorenzo Laura, 'En Portrada', in: Harpers Bazaar Art Espanol, Madrid, September 2015, p. 22, cover, ill.
Vogel, Sabine B., `David Zink Yi`, in: Kunstforum, Bonn, October - November 2014, pp. 118-121, ill.
Prince, Mark, 'Berlin Biennial 8', in: Frieze, London, September 2014, p. __
___, 'David Zink Yi. Sensual Structures', in: art - Das Kunstmagazin, Hamburg, June 2014, p. 50, ill.
Hinrichsen, Jens, 'David Zink Yi - In the Silver Mine', Berlin, June 2014, p. 52, ill.
___, 'David Zink Yi Solo Exhibition at Hauser & Wirth Zurich', on:, Basel, 2 September 2013, ill.
Nedo, Kito, 'Customs', in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, 17/18 August 2013, p. 14, ill.
Hinrichsen, Jens, 'The wild stroke of our hearts', on:, Berlin, 19 June 2013, ill.
Jovanovic, Rozalia, Art Basel's Unlimited Section for Really Big Art Gets Even Bigger ', on:, 16 April 2013, ill.
Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Brigitte, ‘In der nächtlichen Kammer der Wunder’, in: Wiiener Zeitung, Vienna, 13 Oktober 2012, ill.
Bradley, Kimberly, ‘David Zink Yi’, in: ArtReview, London, Summer 2012, pp. 150-151, ill.
Hinrichsen, Jens, ‘Cult in Cuba’, on:, Berlin, 21 March 2012, ill.
Hilgenstock, Andrea, ‘Rhythmus und Rollenspiel’, in: Kunst Zeitung, Regensburg, April 2012, p. 6
Perry, Colin, ‘No Lone Zone. Tate Modern London 27 January to 13 may’, in: Art Monthly, London, March 2012, p. 22
Poppe, Fatima, 'La ciencia de los suenos', in: Cosas, Santiago, pp. 42-44, ill.
Bregman, A., 'Go See: David Zinc Yi at Hauser & Wirth', in: Art Observed, New York, 23 July 2011
Sarah Douglas, 'Fish Tale', New York Observer, 25 July 2011
Roberta Smith, 'David Zinc Yi: Pneuma ', The New York Times, 21 July 2011
Yablonsky, Linda,' Artifacts | Feats of Clay ', on:, July 2011
Mittringer, Markus, 'Stranded in Vienna', in: Art Paper, September 2010, p. 4, ill. in colour
Badrutt, Ursula, 'David Zink Yi,, in: Art Bulletin, September 2009, pp. 58-59, ill.
___, 'Exhibition Edged Palm Trees', in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich, 23 August 2009, p. 51
Schoch, Ursula Badrutt, 'Music Magic', in: St. Galler Tagblatt, St. Gall, 7 July 2009, ill.
Lopez, Miguel, 'La obra de David Zinc Yi', on:, 29 December 2006, ill.
Hess, Barbara, 'David Zink Yi. Ludwig Museum ', in: Flash Art, Milan, Vol. XXXIX , no. 251, November-December 2006, p. 124, ill.
Nemeczek, Alfred, 'Joy and displeasure with the current film culture of big museums', in: Kunstzeitung, Regensburg, No. 122, October 2006, p. unknown, ill.
Gross, Roland, 'Cologne: Rheingold's Video Images', in: Rheinische Post, Dusseldorf, 14 August 2006, p. unknown
Linden, Thomas, 'Rhythms from inside the drums', in: Kölnische Rundschau, Cologne, 15 July 2006, p. unknown
Di Blasi, Johanna, 'A little god is sitting in the drum', in: Kölner Stadtanzeiger, Cologne, 15 July 2006, p. unknown, ill.
___, 'The Artists Talk. A Cross Section of Art Life in Berlin, in: Flash Art, Milan, no. 247, Vol. XXXIX, March-April 2006, pp. 82-87, ill.
___, 'The Sociographic View 12', on:, Vienna, 3 December 2005, ill.
Schlo, 'A journey into the past', in: Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck, 11 November 2005, ill.
Brüggeler, Moni, 'Sensual reduction', in: Kronenzeitung, Vienna, 11 November 2005, ill.
Carnival, Christiane, 'Glimpses behind wooden facades', in: Die Neue, no. 269, 11 November 2005, ill.
___, 'The Sociographic View 12', in: Innsider, Innsbruck, November 2005, ill.
Boecker, Susanne, 'ars viva 04/05 - Time', in: Kunstforum, Ruppichteroth, Vol. 175, April-May 2005, pp. 293-295
___, 'News from the Kunstvereins', in: Informationsdienst Kunst, Regensburg, no. 320, 17 February 2005, p. 7
Lapp, Axel, 'David Zinc Yi', in: Art Review, New York, vol. LIV , November 2004, p. 145, ill.
Reindl, Uta, 'Themes and Biennials. Lightning Strike in the Kirchenapsis', in: The Art Year, Regensburg, no. 4, 2004, pp. 186-187, ill.
Luz, Kathrin, 'David Zink Yi. Alrededor des dosel / Bypassing the Treetops', in: Kunstforum International, Ruppichteroth, no. 172, September-October 2004, pp. 320-321, ill.
___, 'Extended Peru Journey', in: Delmenshorster Kreisblatt, Delmenshorst, 29 July 2004, p. 6, ill.
Cartier, Stephan, 'Underneath All Trees Is Unruh', in: Wser Kurier, Bremen, 9 July 2004, p. 20, ill.
Bruggaier, Johannes, 'In the footsteps of the Harpy Eagle', in: Kreiszeitung, Syke, 17 July 2004, ill.
Bruggaier, Johannes, 'In the footsteps of the eagle', in: Rotenburger Kreiszeitung, Rotenburg, 7 July 2004, ill.
Cartier, Stephan, 'Underneath All Trees Is Unruh' ', in: Weser Kurier, Bremen, 9 July 2004, p. 20, ill.
___, 'Secret Tip David Zink Yi', in: Bremen News, Bremen, 9 July 2004, p. 1
Mathonnet, Philippe, 'La Manifesta 5, biennale des jeunes humaniste', in: Le Temps, Geneva, 8 July 2004, p. 34, ill.
Wiensowski, Ingeborg, 'The Body as a Stage', in: Kulturspiegel, Berlin no. 7, July 2004, p. 28, ill.
Eichler, Dominic, 'A different drum', in: Frieze, London, no. 84, June / July / August 2004, pp. 114-115, ill.
Rutishauser, Monika, 'Hauser & Wirth: David Zinc Yi', in: Kunstmine, Stuttgart, no. 2, May-June-July 2004, p. 356
___, 'Casa Ciriza', in: Kunstforum International, Ruppichterroth, no. 171, July-August 2004, pp. 258-275, ill. in: Domus, Milan, no. 872, July-August 2004, p. 145, ill.
Huther, Christian, 'nation', in: Kunstforum International, Ruppichterroth, no. 166, August-October 2003, p. 365, ill.
Allen, Jennifer, 'David Zink Yi. Johann König, in: Artforum, New York, vol. XLII , no. 1, September 2003, pp. 236-237, ill.
___, 'Frankfurter Kunstverein:' Nation '(14.5.-3.8.03)', on:, 5 August 2003
___, 'David Zink Yi. University of the Arts, Berlin ', in: Artreview, London, July / August 2003, ill.
Suess, Rosa, 'Seeing. Media Art Archive Vienna ', on:, 3 December 2002
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