Gallery Climate Coalition (GCC)

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Gallery Climate Coalition is an international membership organisation providing environmental sustainability guidelines for the art sector.

We support the development of a meaningful and industry-specific response to the climate crisis and have been patrons of the GCC since 2020. We have qualified as a 2023 Active Member by demonstrating that our organization has implemented environmental sustainability best practice in line with GCC guidance. Active Membership is not a certification of sustainability nor a claim that we are doing things perfectly or have all the answers—none of us are at this point.

We align with the GCC’s targets and reduction strategies as our sector needs collective, shared standards of sustainable practice. The GCC has been instrumental in evolving the resources, tools and research driven reports that have aided the development of Hauser & Wirth’s approach to environmental sustainability.

Read more about Carbon Reporting and setting a Science Based Target (SBTi) for your gallery.

Watch an In Conversation with Danny Chivers, GCC Environmental Consultant and Cliodhna Murphy on setting Carbon Reduction Targets.