Louise Bourgeois

Book Lab

15 February - 8 April 2017

Los Angeles

A designated Book Lab in the form of a Reading Room will complement the exhibition 'Serialities' at Hauser & Wirth New York. Housed on the 3rd floor of the 22nd Street Gallery, the Reading Room will provide a literary sanctuary for gallery-goers as they settle in among tomes and long tables. A selection of books will contextualize major works on view including those of Carl Andre, Roni Horn, On Kawara, Zoe Leonard, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Paul McCarthy, August Sander, and Ian Wallace. Additional texts will address the overarching theme of seriality that anchors the exhibition. Vitrines in the bookshop on the gallery's ground floor will feature archival materials related to the work of August Sander, including his historic seven-volume portrait of Weimar Germany, 'People of the Twentieth Century'.

Installation views

About the Artist

Louise Bourgeois

Born in France in 1911, and working in America from 1938 until her death in 2010, Louise Bourgeois is recognized as one of the most important and influential artists of the 20th Century. For over seven decades, Bourgeois’s creative process was fueled by an introspective reality, often rooted in cathartic...

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