ARTiculation 2017: George Stewart Sendell on Louise Bourgeois’ Spider (1996)

16 January 2017

The ARTiculation Prize is a nationally acclaimed annual event in the UK, designed to promote the appreciation and discussion of art. Students aged 16 - 19 in full-time, further education are invited to deliver a ten minute presentation to an audience about a work or art, artefact, or architecture of their choice. Adjudicators assess each presentation as a whole, looking at content, structure, delivery and the speaker’s original approach and unique potential. With Regional Finals held across the country, selected students are then invited to speak at the Grand Finale, part of the ARTiculation Conference. The competition is a unique opportunity for students to develop their confidence and ability to express their opinions, thoughts and conclusions. In 2017, Arthaus member George Stewart Sendell made it to the regional finals with a talk on Louise Bourgeois' 'Spider'.