
15 February - 8 April 2017

New York, 22nd Street

Organized with Olivier Renaud-Clément Beginning 15 February, Hauser & Wirth will present ‘Serialities,’ a group exhibition organized with Olivier Renaud-Clément which examines notions of seriality and repetition, and ways in which artists explore linear and non-linear narratives through iterations. On view through 8 April, the exhibition includes photographs, drawings, and sculptures by Yuji Agematsu, Carl Andre, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Sophie Calle, Liz Deschenes, Isa Genzken, Eva Hesse, Roni Horn, On Kawara, Robert Kinmont, Louise Lawler, Zoe Leonard, Sherrie Levine, Sol LeWitt, Paul McCarthy, Roman Opalka, Andrea Robbins and Max Becher, August Sander, Karin Sander, Mira Schendel, Cindy Sherman, David Smith, Ian Wallace, and Mark Wallinger.

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About the Artists

Roni Horn

La obra de Roni Horn se caracteriza por la incertidumbre y la imposibilidad de concluirla. En toda su obra es importante su interés por la naturaleza mutable de la identidad, el significado y la percepción, así como la noción de duplicidad, cuestiones que siguen impulsando la práctica de Horn.

Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy is widely considered to be one of the most influential and groundbreaking contemporary American artists. Born in 1945, and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, he first established a multi-faceted artistic practice, which sought to break the limitations of painting by using unorthodox materials such as bodily fluids...

Eva Hesse

Born in Hamburg Germany in 1936, Eva Hesse is one of the icons of American art of the 1960s, her work being a major influence on subsequent generations of artists. Comprehensive solo exhibitions in the past 50 years, as well as a retrospective that toured from the San Francisco Museum...

Mira Schendel

Mira Schendel is one of the most significant artists to emerge from Latin America during the twentieth century. Born in Switzerland in 1919, Schendel emigrated to Brazil from Europe in 1949, ultimately settling in São Paulo in 1953, where she swiftly occupied a leading place in the country's vibrant post-war...

Zoe Leonard

New York-based artist Zoe Leonard balances rigorous conceptualism with a distinctly personal vision in her work, which merges photography, sculpture, and installation. By employing strategies of repetition, shifting perspectives, and a multitude of printing processes, Leonard’s practice probes the politics of representation and display. Leonard explores themes such as gender...

David Smith

David Smith is regarded as one of the most innovative artists and important American sculptors of the 20th century. He transformed sculpture by rejecting the traditional methods of carving and casting in favor of torch-cutting and welding, becoming the first artist known to make welded sculpture in America. These...

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