Roni Horn

"Everything was sleeping as if the universe were a mistake"

11 November - 11 January 2014

New York, 18th Street

Hauser & Wirth is proud to present an exhibition comprising two new series of works by artist Roni Horn. Opening 11 November 2013, 'Everything was sleeping as if the universe were a mistake' will fill the gallery's West Chelsea space in Manhattan with large format drawings and two multi-part sculptures that continue Horn's exploration of the nature of perception, memory, and identity. The experiential quality of Horn's glass installations link the relationship of time to space and light. Employing the formal devices of pairing, repetition, and doubling, Horn challenges the viewer to reconcile the eye and the mind. 'Everything was sleeping as if the universe were a mistake' will be on view through 11 January 2014.

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About the Artist

Roni Horn

La obra de Roni Horn se caracteriza por la incertidumbre y la imposibilidad de concluirla. En toda su obra es importante su interés por la naturaleza mutable de la identidad, el significado y la percepción, así como la noción de duplicidad, cuestiones que siguen impulsando la práctica de Horn.

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