We have joined forces with Jenny Holzer on a very special fundraising initiative to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on 22 April 2020. Holzer is creating a limited-edition print in an edition of 100, featuring one of her iconic Truisms—‘ALL THINGS ARE DELICATELY INTERCONNECTED.’

‘Every day is Earth Day’

Beginning in the 1970s with posters wheat-pasted throughout New York City, Jenny Holzer’s oeuvre continues to provoke public debate and illuminate social and political injustice through language and media.

Addressing oppression, gender, sexuality, power, and war, Holzer’s Truisms challenge expectations and prejudices by presenting authoritative-seeming statements that reveal questions and contradictions upon closer inspection. The text selected for the print, ‘ALL THINGS ARE DELICATELY INTERCONNECTED’, has been utilized in Holzer’s work since the late 1970s and early 1980s, where her Truisms were seen on an electronic signboard above Times Square. On Earth Day 2020, the statement adeptly provokes reflection on the pressing demands of a global pandemic as well as the continuing climate crisis. Through her distinctive use of language, Holzer’s work continues to wield art as a powerful force for reflection and change.

Under the umbrella of Hauser & Wirth’s new global philanthropic and charitable initiative #artforbetter, Hauser & Wirth and Jenny Holzer will donate the proceeds of sales of the print to two causes: the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization, and Art for Acres.

Selection from Truisms: All things are…, 2015 (detail), Sodalite Blue footstool,, Text: Truisms, 1977–79 © 2015 Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY, Photo: Joshua White/JW Pictures; from Truisms, 1977–79, 2017, Buses, Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama, Japan, 2017 © 2017 Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY; from Truisms (1977–79), 1991, Electronic sign, Installation: Pilot Field, Buffalo, New York, USA, 1991 © 1991 Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY, Photo: Tom Loonan.

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