Roni Horn

Wits’ End Sampler | Recent Drawings

10 June - 1 September 2018


‘The drawings are something I’ve carried on over decades, and they form a kind of breathing activity on a daily level…When I looked up the word ‘draw’ in the dictionary, I found that there were twenty-two definitions, one of which was to delineate with lines. The other twenty-one definitions are all dialectic activities, to metamorphose, to translate, to take aim…That’s where I took off from with the idea of drawing…these lines for example, are not lines, they’re edges. In other words it’s material and it’s physical reality, they’re constructions of space with a reasonable analogy to architecture.’ – Roni Horn (From: ‘Art and Architecture’ (Chinati Symposium, Marfa TX, 1998))

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About the Artist

Roni Horn

L’obra de Roni Horn es caracteritza per la incertesa i la impossibilitat de concloure-la. En tota la seva obra és important el seu interès per la naturalesa mutable de la identitat, el significat i la percepció, així com la noció de duplicitat, qüestions que continuen impulsant la pràctica de Horn.

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